Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Short and Simple

i'm gonna keep this short and to the point....cause i have homework up the wazoo.

I signed online and on the toolbar where the headlines were moving appeared Alicia Keys and Bono to Release Song. All the money from their song,"Don't Give Up", will go to Keep a Child Alive.

Oh! and thanks to C's help i was able to figure out how to post an audio clip. so here's Brighter Than Sunshine which goes along with the Aqualung Post.*

Monday, November 28, 2005

Cheer Me Up Grandpa!

nothing's happened so far to me in the past week. english teacher left to have a baby...don't mind if she leaves just don't want a sub for the rest of the year. had to scroll through a list of possible careers in arts/art i really am destined to be an actress?? learning numbers in, dos, tres, catorce! confused in biology. geometry is a review...y did i transfer out??....damn it! school is blah but there are a few things that have made me cheer up, mostly pictures.

i made a video of pictures that look like they move from one frame to another while technologic by daft punk is played. i made another one today that was just things moving as before but instead u have a bunch of flashed funny family pictures played to radar love. then i changed my computer background to a picture of my grandpa....he always makes me laugh without saying anything. (that's the background below)

i haven't seen the new U2 music video for Original of the Species yet. maybe they'll be on classic current on VH1Classic...who knows? i'll see it soon enough. anywayz...hug the person next to u for warmth cause it's freakin' cold over here!*

***i would post audio files and my movies if i knew how....anyone wanna help me out? gosh i feel stupid!***

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Possibly The WORST Thanksgiving EVER!

i woke up on Thursday at 9. my head was hurting so i stayed in bed for and hour. around 1 o'clock i decided enough was i took a migrain pill and saved one in my pocket for later just in case. my sisters and oldest brother went with my dad to visit my cousin at the hospital. i was in no mood or condition to go with them. i stayed with my mom and brother until the ham was done cooking. we got in the car at 3 and headed out to Camarillo (which is about 1 hour and 15 mins from here). all the while in the car i was in pain!! my head was going crazy!! we got to my grandma's at around 4:30. my cousins shortly arrived after us and then my dad with my sisters and brother. only us and my aunt and her kids we were short about 10 people. we said alittle prayer for my cousin. when we finished praying i let out a gulp and everyone looked at me. i was holding in my laughter because my brother was eating already while they said the prayer. i ate alittle cause i had felt like throwing up. after i layed on the couch like a bum for the rest of the day. my eyes were sensitive to light, my ears were ready to burst, my head was week of little headaches had led up to a HUGE migrain! i took the other pill that was in my use. i could have taken the whole bottle and still it wouldn't work. i tried going to sleep but it was too hard....but when i did go to sleep i passed out like a drunk on thanksgiving.
yesterday was alot better. my head hurt alittle and my ears were throat hurt alot but i took a cough drop and it was gone. no one came to visit my uncle on his b-day. that was sad. we didn't even have a cake. my mom and grandma were gone all day shopping but when they came back we gave my uncle our presents. i handed him the dvd....he sadi thanks. i have no idea if he really likes i'll bug him as much as he bugged me about thinking i didn't like the concert! my ears feel wierd but my head doesn't hurt! yay!*

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Turkey and Headaches....what a combo!

wooooo!!!! no school till monday! pretty good feelin'!! thanksgiving is awesome! you have an excuse for eating like a pig! i have to go to my grandma's house on Thursday and celebrate. and on Friday i think we r celebrating my uncle's b-day. i get to give him my awesome U2 gift! but the biggest downer this weekend is that my cousin won't be there to celebrate her favorite holiday. *tear* i think we'll visit her with mashed potatoes cause that's her favorite food. good news though...i found out that she only needs to stay in the hospital for about 10 more days! so she'll be home for christmas!!

this whole week i've had really bad headaches!!! it feels like when i came home from the concert!! bright lights don't help the pain. i've taken a migrane pill which i'm not supposed to cause i'm too young. but that's the only medication that relieves the pain! i think headaches run in the family. my mom has a headache everyday...maybe it's cause she has five kids and has to take care of the house. gosh my head hurts like a mofo!*

---i got a new e-mail address...suits me and my obsession.

----oh! and check out the new kitty link on *things i look at when i'm bored* sure to turn the volme up all the way!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Smiling, Crying, and Celebrities

Yesterday i came home from school with a HUGE headache! i was planning to visit my cousin at the hospital again for the second friday in a row. the mail came at 4:30 and with that a package from TOWER. I grabbed the package and opened it. inside was a tom jones cd for my brother and the U2 dvd for me! i was excited but kinda mad that i had to wait 3 days to get it. i know i said that TOWER was gay but they do have pretty fast shipping! I started to watch the first disk with the concert on it. I got really into it...i blasted loud enough so the neighbors could hear and sung to the songs really loud. i kept on thinking that my neighbor across the street (who is like a modern day mrs. kravitz from Bewitched...she's the street snoop) would come knocking at out door telling us to turn it down. she didn't though...*sigh of relief* i got to the part where they start to play ONE about an hour and 20 mins into the concert and my brother came knocking at the door and told me it was time to go. i wanted to finish seeing the rest but i couldn't. i called my cousin from the car and told her we were on the way. she was surprised and sounded happy to hear that we were coming again. we got to the hsopital at 7 and around 8:30 my uncles, aunt, and 2 cousins came into the room. me and my brother were ready to leave at by then but we stayed so we didn't look rude. my cousin looks better...but she's sad that her hairs coming out! that was sad for me and everyone else in the room. we pretended that we were just hanging out....when our family gets together it's like a party! everyone was talking and laughing. and of course my uncle asked me at least twice if i liked the U2 concert. i don't know how many times i've told him that i did! it kinda made me annoyed so i changed the subject. it was 9:45 and i hadn't eaten since 3:30 so my stomach was growling like a bear!! we finally said bye (which always maked me feel like crying for some reason). we got home at 10:30, ate, and watched Charlie and the chocolate factory. i saw the end of the concert today and loaded the 2nd disk into my computer and installed the 2 screensavers. it was pretty darn good! but i was like wtf when they played AN CAT DUBH cause bono pretended he was a cat....but it was funny i guess. in about 2 hours i have to go to TOWER to buy the dvd again for a b-day present to my uncle (the one who took me....makes sence don't it?)....but shhhh....don't tell*

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


yesterday at 8 ish i went with my dad to best buy to buy the new U2 dvd. i looked and looked for 15 minutes all over the store, until finally a guy came up to me and asked "are you having any trouble looking for something?" i said i was looking for the new U2 dvd....he pointed to some of the old ones but i told him those aren't it. he finally went back to ask whoever was in charge of that department and came back and said that they were all sold out!! i gave him an angry sad face and he said "sorry that happens sometimes!" i felt like punching the wall!!! there was only the regular version of the dvd left and not the delux. i went home mad and my mom said that i should just order it i i had a 15% coupon. but stupid tower records upped the price $3 within 1 hour!! i didn't find out till today cause my brother ordered it with a tom jones cd and i wan't there to see the checkout thing. i thought tower would be the cheapest price...sadly it ain't. i'm pretty pissed...cause first of all i'm not gonna get the dvd till next week and i have to pay an extra $5 (with tax and the increase). gay!*

Monday, November 14, 2005

What's with me and the word MOFO?

listen all of yas out there...there is some confusion on me and the word mofo. it's not like it's one ain't. i think i've gotten ask about mofo at leat 3 times. first of all...yes it IS the name of an awesome U2 song...but that's not y i say it. u have to remember that i was only 6 when POP came out in 97. I don't think i even remember any songs from POP being played on the radio....but then again i can't remember what i had for dinner yesterday night. i unofficially knew who U2 was [meaning i knew some words to Sunday Bloody Sunday and maybe even Pride In the Name of Love and With or Without You...but i wasn't an "official" fan yet] So about i dunno 2 years ago...i picked up the WORD mofo from my cousin and i started saying it. that's all. but that doesn't mean that i've liked U2 for about 1 year...that started in 3rd grade when they came out with the Beautiful Day music video. when it came out i saw it about once everyday on TRL and i just fell in love with them! also true with the videos for Elevation and Walk On. so that's my mofo story i guess*

Friday, November 11, 2005

City Of Hope Hospital

today i woke up at 11:45 cause my friend had called me asking for a friend's phone number which is late for me day off or no day 1:30 ish my brother said that he was going to visit my cousin in the hospital and that if i wanted to come. I of course said yes. My cousin was diagnosed with lymphoma the night before I went to the U2 concert...that was a downer for me, finding out my cousin has cancer the day before you see the sexiest band living. so anywayz me and my brother leave to City Of Hope Hospital in Dwarte (a hospital specialized for cancer treatment)....which is about 30 mins or so (without traffic) from our house. that hospital was more convenient to get to then St. John's near her house. After getting lost for 10 mins we finally get to the hospital. we had to go through 3 different parts of the hospital to finally find the right building. when we did find the right building though, we couldn't find her room. that hospital is big i tellz ya!! so we got to her room around 3. she was surprised to see us. i gave her a hug but had to be aware that she had the iv in her i was extra careful. she cut her hair so that it wouldn't fall out during kemo...and everytime she stroked it more would fall was really sad. we kinda ignored the setting of where we were and it was just like hanging out with our cousin. we laughed and laughed while watching day time talk shows. she asked for some morphine cause her bones were hurting. and the nurse came in once to give her the steroid medication but other than that we were alone hanging. while we were watching ellen the hospital recreation leader came in and asked if she wanted anything to do but then she looked over at the t.v. and said "you must be pretty stoned if you think that ellen is funny". the rec. leader brought up some clay and my brother made a snowman and she made a monkey while i ate the clay (seriously, i wanted to see what it tasted like...not good may i add). we didn't leave till about 5:30...but it was so hard to say good bye!! i didn't want to leave but i had to. i would have stayed there all night if i could. it's pretty sad....but she's pullin' through!! her lumps are gone...but she still might need a bone marrow transfusion from her sisters. she lost alot of weight but the steroids give her a big appetite. i think what kills her (and me emotionally) is that all she wants to do is go outside and go home...and she wants to eat a hamburger and kfc mashed potatoes. she can't eat stuff with bacteria like cheese unless it is melted...and no outside food. i'll be back to visit her soon (with hidden mashed potatoes in my purse). till then we sit here and pray and hope and wait....much love Melissa*

Monday, November 07, 2005

Aqualung this weekend the song that was stuck in my head was "Brighter than Sunshine" by Aqualung. he's cute and he sings while playing the piano...awesome! he's not necessarily new to the music biz but i think he's better than most of the new wanna be punk bands that are coming out. i was watching VH1 about a month ago and he came out on "VH1 you outta know" (bands that are on the rise to stardom) so i decided to listen to what he's got and now i love it! It's a good song!! i would post an audio clip [or a link place/where ever u go to download a song] if i knew how but i don't cause i'm a dumb a** (i don't cuss....makes your mouth feel dirty. wait...does mofo count??) well anyway, that was my song blurb of the day i guess*

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Fantasies Should Be Real

they say you only remember bad dreams....but what about GOOD dreams? i remember my good dreams all the time! i woke up at about 10 today and i wish that i hadn't waken up at all. of course me being a nerd helped with my fantasy. i'll get the point now. i had another U2 dream. this time it was my cousin's b-day and some how in some way she got U2 and other bands to play at her party. so after the party ends and all the bands leave U2 wants to stick around and sing more songs for just us. they ended up playing in her bed room on her bed. then bono calls me up "on stage" and i dance with him!! and then...i woke up!! don't you hate that!!?!?!? u have the most awesomest dream ever and you wake up! but i've had other U2 dreams...i was following the flat bed truck when they were shooting "all because of you" and then i told them i was a bass player so they invited me to play with them on the truck. i got up and put on like this clip on the neck of the bass that memorized where you placed your fingers on the neck and all you had to do was pluck the strings...(hmmm....i think i need to get a patent) so anyways all the sexy mofos were all impressed especially adam and edge (obviously)...i tell them that i have a couple of 'em at my house so i gave them my phone #. so one day adam calls me and asks if he can have one and that i should drop it off at the studio. here's where it start getting wierd (but AWESOME) homies....some how adam liked me enough that we start dating! i'm gonna stop there cause you don't wanna know the details....let's just say it didn't last long cause we live so far away from each other. i was also older so it wasn't so much as the age difference though. man...i wish sometimes dreams were fantasy!!....yeah i'm a nerd....and what!?!?.....*

Seriously, who can resist dreaming about this mofo??

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

U2 concert

WOW!! this week i found out that i was going to the U2 concert this Tuesday. took me by surprise!! My uncle bought me the tickets as a christmas present...but i found out today that it wasn't a christmas present it was just becasue he wanted to take me. that was awesome!! there isn't words to describe how great it was. the opening act was Damian Marley...he was good if you like raggae. when he finished there was a sigh of relief that the concert was about to start....but you have to give the man props cause he had the balls to keep a bunch of 40-year olds waiting to see their favorite band. there was an hour from 8 to 9 when they did the sound check which made me more anxious to see them! Finally the concert started! they opened with city of blinding was exactly like the music video except that you are actually there! that was amazing! A couple of songs into the concert we hear 2 songs from boy....electric co. and the ocean. right before miracle drug we find out that edge is from the future and when he gets off his space ship he hears the first notes of the song....and U2 gets right it and plays. in the middle of bullet in the blue sky bono changes the lyrics to "the ants go marching one by one"...which sounded almost sinister but very sexy! When we got into Miss Sarajevo bono hit the big tenor notes in replace of Pavarotti and the crowd went wild!! The concert ended at 10:30....but who can stop there without any encores? the whole concert was dedicated to the 44-year old birthday boy, Larry (who apparently gets all the fat chicks according to bono). So after with or without you we all song happy birthday to larry. At one point in between encores the band goes off and comes back with "the larry mullen band" t-shirts. Bono invited 2 girls to dance with him on stage during the concert...and an all girl band name EXIT to come up during the encores and perform for us. they sang out of control and were pretty darn good except the lead singer was a bit off. U2 then started playing fast cars...which was a song that has "never been heard"...even though i knew all the words. the concert ended with 40. the band members left the stage but the audience continues to sing "how long to sing this song" larry walks over to the mic and says "Thanks for coming to my birthday party. You can leave your gifts at the door. I’d like to thank Bono, Edge and Adam for being in my backing band" it was a really good concert...but what i hated was that the guy sitting next to me would stare at me from time to time watching me sing. oh and when we were standing in line waiting to buy t-shirts there was a guy who took at least 20 minutes picking out buttons!! when he left we all clapped and he had the "wtf look" on his face! when we walked out to the car there was a man selling cheap nock off t-shirts saying "get them before the police do" [emphasis on police]. i think i'll remember that and the concert forever!!

this was the set list for our night (nov. 1st)
City of Blinding Lights
Electric Co.
The Ocean
Still Haven’t Found
Beautiful Day
Miracle Drug
Sometimes you Can’t Make it On Your Own
Love and Peace or Else
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet The Blue Sky
Miss Sarajevo
Pride in the Name of Love
Where the Streets have no Name
First Time
Stuck in a Moment
With or Without You
All Because of You
Out of Control
Fast Cars
