yesterday at 8 ish i went with my dad to best buy to buy the new U2 dvd. i looked and looked for 15 minutes all over the store, until finally a guy came up to me and asked "are you having any trouble looking for something?" i said i was looking for the new U2 dvd....he pointed to some of the old ones but i told him those aren't it. he finally went back to ask whoever was in charge of that department and came back and said that they were all sold out!! i gave him an angry sad face and he said "sorry that happens sometimes!" i felt like punching the wall!!! there was only the regular version of the dvd left and not the delux. i went home mad and my mom said that i should just order it i i had a 15% coupon. but stupid tower records upped the price $3 within 1 hour!! i didn't find out till today cause my brother ordered it with a tom jones cd and i wan't there to see the checkout thing. i thought tower would be the cheapest price...sadly it ain't. i'm pretty pissed...cause first of all i'm not gonna get the dvd till next week and i have to pay an extra $5 (with tax and the increase). gay!*

i am talking about how u adresses the whole mofo think to everyone but it was directed to me that what i mean as ya your math teacher did this to u the same thing that u r doing to me!
i read it before u deleted it so yeah w/e oh and yeah inknow u dont have p.e with us anymore umm cuz u told me like at school
Hi!!! Thanks for your comment! When I saw the name of your blog I felt at home... ::))Zoo Station! I really like your blog and sure I will post here a lot!
My blog is about lots of thinks but mainly about one thing... U2, of course!
I was in Lisbon concert last august!! amazing!
I have already the dvd Chicago and it is great stuff! And donĀ“t be sad.. soon you will see it too.
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