Fantasies Should Be Real
they say you only remember bad dreams....but what about GOOD dreams? i remember my good dreams all the time! i woke up at about 10 today and i wish that i hadn't waken up at all. of course me being a nerd helped with my fantasy. i'll get the point now. i had another U2 dream. this time it was my cousin's b-day and some how in some way she got U2 and other bands to play at her party. so after the party ends and all the bands leave U2 wants to stick around and sing more songs for just us. they ended up playing in her bed room on her bed. then bono calls me up "on stage" and i dance with him!! and then...i woke up!! don't you hate that!!?!?!? u have the most awesomest dream ever and you wake up! but i've had other U2 dreams...i was following the flat bed truck when they were shooting "all because of you" and then i told them i was a bass player so they invited me to play with them on the truck. i got up and put on like this clip on the neck of the bass that memorized where you placed your fingers on the neck and all you had to do was pluck the strings...(hmmm....i think i need to get a patent) so anyways all the sexy mofos were all impressed especially adam and edge (obviously)...i tell them that i have a couple of 'em at my house so i gave them my phone #. so one day adam calls me and asks if he can have one and that i should drop it off at the studio. here's where it start getting wierd (but AWESOME) homies....some how adam liked me enough that we start dating! i'm gonna stop there cause you don't wanna know the details....let's just say it didn't last long cause we live so far away from each other. i was also older so it wasn't so much as the age difference though. man...i wish sometimes dreams were fantasy!!....yeah i'm a nerd....and what!?!?.....*

Seriously, who can resist dreaming about this mofo??

Seriously, who can resist dreaming about this mofo??
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