Monday, October 03, 2005

U2 on Conan!!!

i really have nothing to say! um....ok yeah so what's on my mind? oh of course it's U2 on conan!! i've been along time fan of conan ever since it started in 93. remeber the ostrich that would lay an egg that had the next day/week's guest? well yeah it was funny cause it laid an egg right near that desk. yeah so since i go to sleep at 11 i have to wake up at 12:30 and watch it. yeah so it's gonna be pretty funny as from what i've read on @u2 blogs! i can't wait! ok enough about that...yeah so what else is in the news? man it's murder hot in the afternoons and in the morning it's freezing cold!! what odd weather! u know when someone has nothing to say when they talk about the weather! i mean u know that it's gonna be an awkard conversation when someone says "so.....wierd weather we r having". either the conversation will change or be very dull and BORING!! yeah so.....i can't wait till 12:30!! whooooo!! but like they taped it to be a 2 hour show so that means they will edit like 1 hour!! gay!!


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