Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ashlee tryin' to win us back

is ashlee simpson tryin' to win our love for her back? who ACTUALLY loved her though? yesterday she came out on SNL and was, dare i say, HORRIBLE!! i mean i hated her even before she did SNL and the hoe-down. but i understand why she lip sang...she's so bad without it! hey ashlee just cause your sister is a singer and is "famous" doesn't mean that her less talented relative has to get in the biz. what's next the simpson family dog? come on!! and then that song that she performed yesterday!! she said she wrote it after appearing on SNL! ok ashlee we get it...u suck but the world KNOWS it already! so just shut up and quit with the singing and attempted acting! america hates u!! that's y we booed u at the orange bolw and laughed in your face for weeks! don't even try to make us like u again cause we didn't even like you in the first place! so make like my pants and split!


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