Sunday, May 28, 2006

You Can Still Catch It

yesterday was so cool! my dad managed to get free tickets to X-men 3! cause his work has a tie in and what not. my dad is a finance manager at Mercedes and in this one scene you can really tell they plug the new car like CRAZY!! it was pretty funny when that part came casue me and my brother were just amazed at the advertising biz! but the movie is AMAZING!! you don't have to see the 1st or 2nd to understand this one. i mean my 8 year old sister understood all of it but one if she can understand it so can u! all you need to know really are what the characters' powers are...but you can find that out within the first 20 minutes of the movie. i'm not really a comic book nerd but somehow i complained that they changed alot from the cartoon. did u ever see the cartoon? that was my saturday mornings...came downstairs and watched x-men and the hulk cartoons with my brothers. it's crazy cause people don't see me as that kind of girl who likes that kind of shows. don't judge me. if you do go stay for the whole movie until the credits end. trust me it is worth it!! so catch it while you can before someone ruins it for you!

oh and at the movies i didn't realize that they started to show commercials. i got kinda angry until i saw the Sick Days FIFA World Cup Commercial. my eyes were hurting so i had put my hood up and my brother thought i was sleeping. but when Sick Days came on i took off my hood and my brother nudged my leg. i said "yeah i know i've seen them online already" he looked confused at me and told me to wake up. i felt like a nerd...but then again i always do!

today we went to barnes and nobles to return my Live from Chicago DVD and get my sister a book. what? i didn't tell you that i got another copy of live from chicago for christmas? well i did (but it was the one disk) and i barely returned it today! so with that money i bought a cd and chocolate and mints. then my dad asked me if i wanted a book casue he thinks i don't read enough. so i picked up a copy of Cut. i used to have it but a girl in the 7th grade borrowed it from me and NEVER returned it!! grrrrr!!! when i told my dad i wanted that book he asked if i was going to cut myself. i laughed! i wouldn't do that cause i can't stand pain! he bought it for me anyway!*

cool songs:
January Sky- Exit

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


i haven't been home for the past 2 weekends. 2 weekends ago (mother's day weekend) my sister ended up in the hospital because she was severly dehydrated. she's been sick like 3 times this year and evrytime she gets sick she throws up and doesn't eat for 3-5 days. but she's ok now. she lost like 10 punds but she is slowly gaining it back....ummmmm chicken nuggets!

last weekend we went to my grandma's to celebrate my sister's birthday and mother's day that we had missed. my cousin was also put in the hospital that weekend cause she's anorexic. my gosh she looks so thin it's gross!! my mom said she looks like those african kids who don't eat and their ribs show. i don't say anything to that comment i just lower my head and agree. she's so think i think if i touch her she will break. hopefully she will get better and put on 20 pounds.

yesterday i was checking my e-mail...turned out i had 14 messages, 3 of which was from flickr. 2 people added me to their contacts and the other e-mail was from some guy who said this:


Hi, melinda..i'm an actor too! Where do u live, and how old are u??
tnxs WP
crazy! i got kinda scared so i deleted my account. but i never go on there so i was going to delete it anyway, this was just the kick that got me going. i didn't reply to the e-mail. should i? yeah i'll say "yeah i'm an actress. i'm 15. now get away from me you creep" grrrrrr!!
for health we have to write a letter to ourselves that will be mailed to us in 2011!! i think i have so much to say to myself....where the hell will i be in 5 years?!?!? it's scary. lots of people know what they want to do as soon as they get out of high school but i'm that one who is stuck between 5 jobs! i feel that it puts alot of pressure on me when the teachers say you have to know what you want to be now or at least be deciding. deciding? the future is scary...i wanna look just to tomorrow. so i think what i'n getting at is you want to write me a 5-year letter? :) *

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Birthdays with Chin Scars

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Bono (and that girl who lives in my house who I’m told is my sister but doesn’t act like it but I guess siblings never do),
Happy Birthday to you!

I can’t begin to describe bono’s influence on me. I’ve been a singer all my life, but his impact on me is incredible! Every time I listen to a U2 song I desperately desire a voice like bono’s!! Sometimes I even consider taking up smoking to get that raspy quality in my voice and then I remind myself that smoking is icky! So happy birthday to my 46-year-old mofo! And it isn’t me just me who wishes him a happy b-day, his wife gives him love 2. (and I convinced myself that it is her). and my concert shirt came outta retirement, i was dieing to wear it cause it's so comfortable!

You know it isn’t ONLY bono’s b-day I am celebrating today, it’s my sister’s 2! I think it’s funny that they not only share the same birthday but they have chin scars (even though they r in different places they are still cool!). Oh! And my sister’s 1st grade teacher was Mrs. Edge!! So I am eating cake and ice cream today honoring one mofo and another “little kid”.

Bono's chin scar

Sister's Chin Scar (purple stuff=string)

cool songs that are bono related:
Miss Sarajevo (live in LA)
Miracle Drug (live in LA)

Friday, May 05, 2006


happy cinco de mayo! (for 2 more hours we can still celebrate!) being mexican this is one of our days, yet it was my first time in my life that i can remember celebrating it. back in elementary we performed mexican dances for the parents but that's really it. today my grandma invited us to eat because of cinco de mayo. i got alittle gift of a mexican doll holding a basket. in spanish our test was postponed and we celebrated! and i was sterotyped! our teacher brought horchata and chicharrones to share with the class. my asian friend had never had chicharrones and she asked me what they were made of. of course, i explained that most of the ones here are made of flour and it's fried but the true hardcore mexican ones are made from the skin of a pig and it's fried. she tasted it and said "these are good" then she asked if i ate them everyday and if i had them right now in my house! i told her that i didn't. not all mexicans like chicharrones....i don't. and we don't wear sombreros and play accordians. but i must admit i do sterotype mexicans aswell so i'm guilty! so that was my cinco de mayo. i didn't drink tequila shots/corona or dance mexican dances. it was a normal day! yay!*

cool songs:
Dudley- The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Low Rider- War