The Year of the Lucky Mofo
-In February for my birthday, I got my digital camera. My camera is something I can’t live without!
-April finally came…and so did the first of 2 sold out U2 shows. My uncle went to one while I frantically looked for tickets on ebay, ticket master, and any other place where I could get tickets. Realizing I couldn’t afford $200 tickets I gave up of going in April. Then came November. Oh November…I called on the STAR radio station like a crazy mad man trying to win…no luck. But surprise surprise! My uncle comes around with 2 tickets to the sold out concert at the Staples Center! The BEST DAY of my LIFE!! Something I’ll never forget!
-November turns into December and as soon as you turn around Christmas is here. This year (like the rest) was spent with both sides of the family. My 3-part Christmas (which consists of going to my grandma on my mom’s side, then grandma’s on my dad’s side, then finally back home) was spent with anxiety. I had a feeling deep down in my gut I was getting an iPod video. At the 3rd part of Christmas at our house, I opened all my gifts and finally came to my last gift. I unwrapped it. A box. The feeling afterward was disappointment and sadness. But I opened the box…and ta da! An iPod! I squealed like a pig! I was happy! This was an expensive Christmas with a cell phone for my brother, an iRiver for my brother, a record player for my mom, a game cube & and DDR Mario Mix for my 2 sisters, and one of those American Girl dolls for my sister as well. The Disneyland passes were also a Christmas gift. I think this Christmas my dad spent around $3,500 just on us. He also bought himself an iPod…but the 60 GB and not the 30 GB like mine. even though i still want the U2 iPod, the box that came with my iPod had a picture of Bono from the Original of the Species commercial.
-I got a $50 visa gift card from my uncle. $40 was spent on the U2 fan club. My U2.communication CDs should be coming within the next 2 weeks. With that came a new e-mail address: Yes, I’m a nerd….but I feel like an official fan! [Note of word: my iPod is not I repeat is NOT filled just with U2. There are 60 of 600 songs that are U2. I have more but I choose not to put it on. Instead the songs will be rotated: putting some in and taking some out and leaving my absolute favorites.]
“You know what happened to the man who got everything he wanted? He lives happily ever after!” Somehow I don’t feel like that. Not because I’m not a man but because now that I have everything I wanted I lost a desire to want to go on. Not like I wanna die but I feel empty. There’s a hole where a new bigger desire needs to go…but I can’t fill it at this moment. When you want something in life and you get it you loose an urge to want to go further until you think of something you actually want to live for. My wants were materialistic. I mean all I wanted was to go to a U2 concert, a camera, and an iPod. I got them. Now what’s next? There’s always the dream of becoming a famous writer/singer/actress and to meet U2 but I know those won’t happen (if at all) till later in life. Sorry if I sound depressing…I’m happy….seriously I am!*