Preaching to the Choir
today in english we were talking about destruction in civilization. from that topic we went into africa and then my teacher brought up The One Campaign . my teacher asked if anyone knew what it was (i was really shocked to hear that no one had ever heard of it!) and i raised my hand and pointed to my bracelet. she saw and i was called on to teach what the One Campaign was all about. me being the scardy cat that i am said "if you sign the thing on the website" you are saying that you support the countries holding a debt over africa to let it go so they can have more money to "fight diseases and AIDS and get more food and water so they can live better". i personally think i could have done a better job explaning it if i had time to think about what to say so i didn't look stupid and stumble on my words. i don't know if my explanation got through to everyone but i finally understand when they say that our voice needs to be heard. in those 30 seconds that i 'preached to the choir' i felt that i was doing good, that i was making the message clear. it was an awesome feeling, and you never know if someone took a nervous girl's short undetailed explanation and actually signed the declaration*
Love U2 and Bono work has its compensations, after all ::))
bitch u dident know what the one campaine was before me..... nah but yeah anywho so...... do u know about the sounds concert?????
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