Saturday, February 25, 2006

Birthday after Birthday

well i thought my brother was going to buy me something U2 related for my birthday...turns out he went in the opposite direction and bought me the RARE alice in wonderland soundtrack. i tried looking for it about 2 weeks before my b-day but the only ones i could find were for $70 or $90 and itunes didn't have it for sale...only partial album. my dad bought my a necklace which was in the box.

the day after i went to my grandma's to celebrate. tinkerbell themed. i like tinkerbell but there's a point where enough is enough. i did homework there and got up only to eat and to do the cake and presents. my great aunt (grandma's sister) gave me $100!! and my other aunt (i have no idea if she is our aunt but i think she's one of those relatives who is a long time family friend that she feels like family) gave $25. the sad part of the night: that's all the presents i got from my relatives other than my dad. my dad had to bring his own gifts he bought for me to the party. i thought that was really sad cause he knew that they weren't gonna get me anything!! it was that part of the family that was making a HUGE deal of me having a huge 15th b-day and they don't care enough to buy me anything....not so much as a card! i actually don't care that's my mom who's takin' it up the wazoo!! she's got feed up with that side of the family not giving gifts (cause it's happened to about every one of my sibling's b-days) that's she doesn't want to see them until christmas and we aren't going to my cousin's communion or birthday next month. my brother said that it's my fault that i'm breaking up the family. i laughed, but then i wondered. is it actually my fault? stupid birthday!

tomorrow i am going to my grandma's house (the opposite ones from the previous paragraph). i guess that will be ok. once again i celebrate my birthday. woohooo? just reliving the past. no one's coming. and the people who are might go to the hospital to visit my cousin. she's getting better. she got a bone marrow transplant from her sister the donor. now she's on radiation. my brother went to see her today. i couldn't go cause he was going afterwards to his play. my school is holding a fundraiser for kids with cancer (i think it's lymphoma also) to raise money for their treatment. there was a kick off assembly last week. i didn't want to go. i would have cried and ran out of the room. when the students who are managing the fundraiser came into our room to talk briefly about it, i felt my eyes water. i had to look down or people would see me. i wouldn't have wanted to step outside to ball my eyes out while i left my non-speaking spanish friends confused. i was able to control myself. my hair has been falling out alot recently. yester after my shower i looked at the drain and got out twice as much hair that would fall out in a DAY. i have no idea what is causing all the stress. but i know it is stress. Could it be about my cousin? school? i don't know. i guess i need to watch the Discotheque video cause the part where Larry the cowboy dances at the end ALWAYS cheers me up!

on a lighter note, i'm reading Lord of the Flies for english. there is one chapter called Shadows and Tall Trees same as the U2 song. i found that quite amusing when i was reading. it's a pretty good book. it has it's parts where they are boring and parts where are really....uh....not boring. don't tell me how it ends cause then i'll punch you! not really. but i can't stand for people to ruin movies and books for me unless i know for a FACT that i will never see/read it.

oh, one pet peeve: i hate when people think that i do things because of U2 or that when a song is played on the radio i HAVE to listen to it and SING. when i went to disneyland a couple of weeks ago i bought some sunglasses that light up. i thought they were cool in a dorky way. my dad said that i bought them because of bono. that didn't even come to my mind when i bought them. and the other day U2 was on tuesday twoplay on VH1Classic and my brother had the remote. i had no idea that it was going to be on. so he changed it and new year's day was on....and he left it. i told him that it was ok to change it, but he said he felt that he had to leave it there. and everytime a U2 songs comes out on the radio i am expected to sing. (i do but in my head). i choose not to sing, it's called will power....some people should learn what it is.

one more short thing: that time i went to california adventure i saw diane keaton. i was star struck a little. people think that becuase i live near hollywood i must see stars all the time. actually i've only seen a few...and they weren't big like these guys.*

some songs that have been in my head recently:
I Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor- Arctic Monkeys
Black Horse and the Cherry Tree- KT Tunstall


Blogger c said...

your family sounds like mine - lots of commotion. i hope for the best for your cousin....

about "shadows and tall trees" and "lord of the flies" - i had just been discussing that novel and bono with someone else.

bono has said that the lyrics in "shadows and tall trees" were influenced by "lord of the flies." his teenage gang of friends were interested in the idea that they could exist in a world of their own apart from the one created by the adults.

here is a bono quote from the book "into the heart":

"I remember thinking about that comparison between Lord of the Flies and where we were in Cedarwood, between Ballymun and Finglass. It was a quiet little street in one sense, but my memory of it, growing up, is of being stuck between cowboys and Indians, rumbles between the top of the street and the bottom end of the street....I remember thinking the shadows and tall trees are different here, but it's the same story isn't it? It's all about war. We're all stuck on this island of suburbia and we're torturing each other."

7:16 PM, February 27, 2006  

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