Baby, you can drive MY car
Do you like my car?

i wish that was my car. it's cute. and even though they don't make them anymore, i want one.
school's hecktic. WANTED to buy zoo tv yesterday BUT no one could take me and WANTED to buy it today BUT they were sold out. bastards! i have to go to a different city to get it (at the sale price with my gift card). ugggghhhhh!!! i'll be back later with santa and oompa loompas [you'll see]*
cool songs:
Fast Cars- U2
Cavity Search- Weird Al Yankovic (song parady of Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me. pretty funny)
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me- U2
OHHHH MY GOD!!! I just love the ZOO Trabants!!!
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